Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oestara (Spring Equinox) Celebration

At the Spring Equinox we Pagans, Wiccans, magical folk, celebrate Oestara. Oestara is where the abrahamic religions got the word Easter. Oestara is the germanic name for this holiday. But no matter what name you give this day, it's the Spring Equinox, and a day to celebrate rebirth. Trees are beginning to bud, there may even be some green blades starting to pop out of the ground where tulips will soon be. Tulips are my favorite spring flower. As a child, they were my first sign that warm weather was quickly approaching! My mother had tulips planted in front of the big tree in our front yard. When the weather would start to change, I would run to the front door in the morning to see if the green blades were starting to pop up yet. And when they did, I checked them everyday and would marvel at their progress until finally one morning there would be a bightly colored, dew drenched flower. Ready for a visit from the local bee hive.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Body Sacred - intro

I am currently reading "The Body Sacred" by Dianne Sylvan. It's a book about improving your body image through pagan-based themes and rituals. I've decided to track my progress here on blogger. I'm also going to be putting the posts on my blog over at WitchSchool International. You can find me on there under the name Jenni if you're interested. If you can't find me, send me your email address and I will send you an invite. I haven't written much on there, but plan on writing a lot more.